We will have our advisors Bill and Christian (our plan fiduciary and 401K plan contact) give updates on the 401K plan, benefits, and Q&A.
We highly recommend that all employees participate in our 401K Plan periodic call. Many of you are already participating because it is the best way to save for retirement.
If you are worried about stock market uncertainty, have questions about how the plan works, or have any other questions about our 401 (k) plan, please join this conference call and get your questions clarified.
You can email questions in advance to [email protected] or ask them during the call.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 6 pm EST (call duration may be maximum 1 hour)
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
Phone: 614-323-1086
Contact Details for Bill and Christian:
William L. DiMenna, MBA
Financial Advisor, Tyler-Stone Group
Cell 216-278-8577, Desk 216.545.4356
Please also send all text messages to 216.545.4356
Christian J. Garofalo, AIF ®Wealth Manager
Accredited Investment Fiduciary Designee®
LPL Financial / Fiduciary Plan Partners
3601 Green Road Suite 100, Beachwood, OH 44122
(216)-534-1714 iPhone/ (216)-295-0945 Office
As per latest update from payroll company, they are working with Bank to get this processed ASAP. You may see the funds in the next few hours.
Payroll July 5, 2024
It came to our attention that our payroll did not get processed due to some technical difficulties at Bank or Payroll processing company. We understand this may be July 4th holiday situation, but everything was submitted to them in timely manner on Tuesday itself. Not sure where it went wrong.
We are trying to get this resolved ASAP. Sorry for this inconvenience. Please feel free to call HR at 614-888-2227 ext 4682 if any questions. Thanks
This message is for all full-time employees of Columbus International Corporation.
As most of you know, we shop around each year to get the best rates and coverage for our Company’s Insurance Benefits Plan. Initially, Anthem Insurance sent us a renewal notice with a 23% increase but after lots of negotiation they agreed to limit their increase to 15% . They were still our best option with lower rates than any of the other companies that we checked with including UHC and MMO. We have therefore decided to stay with Anthem the year beginning on April 1, 2024.
As we have done in prior years, we are offering a choice between (3) different levels of health insurance coverage: Low Deductible; High Deductible; and Health Saving Account (HSA). Please carefully review the attached descriptions of each of these coverage types in addition to the descriptions of our plans.
If you would like to sign up for health insurance coverage or change your health insurance coverage choice for the year beginning on 4/1/24, please respond to this email with a fully completed and signed CIC Enrollment Form 2024 (see attached). If you would like to keep the same coverage that you currently have for the year beginning on 4/1/24, please respond to this email with “KEEP CURRENT HEALTH COVERAGE”. If you do not want to have health insurance coverage through our plan for the year for the year beginning on 4/1/24, please respond to this email with “WAIVE HEALTH COVERAGE”. We need a response from all full-time employees by Friday 3/29/24.
After this open enrollment (deadline 3/31/24), you will not be able to enroll in our group insurance plan until the next open enrollment date of April 01, 2025, unless you have a qualifying event, and we cannot reimburse health insurance premiums or deductibles for insurance coverage purchased outside of our plan.
Please respond to this email via fax (888- 699-8866) or email ([email protected]) at your earliest convenience (3/29/24 at the latest, no exception).
New health insurance cards will be mailed out soon after we receive the responses to this email . In the meantime, please continue to use your existing card.
If you have any questions, please send us an email ([email protected]) or call us at 614-888-2227 ext. 4680/ 4682/ 4671.
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
200 East Campus View Blvd.
Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: (614) 323-1086
mailto:[email protected]
Web Site: https://columbuscorp.com
Please Note: If you are concerned about spam or viruses, you may always view these notifications on our website and click on the “notice”.
Our Ancillary Benefits (Dental, Life, Vision, and Long-Term Disability) are due for renewal effective 01/01/2024. Our current Insurance provider “Anthem” has increased our Dental premiums by 5% and decreased our Vision premiums by 4%. Long Term Disability and Life coverage will remain unchanged. Based on a review of the current insurance market, we believe that these adjustments are reasonable and have decided to stay with Anthem for the coming year. Our coverages are described in the attached Dental & Vision Summary and will remain unchanged for 2024.
We will continue to provide Life and Long-Term Disability insurance coverage at the Company’s expense for all Full-time W2 employees.
Employees with Dental and/or Vision coverage will continue paying the premiums for these through pretax payroll deductions under our Section 125 plan.
If you do not want Dental or Vision coverage for 2024, Please respond to this email with “WAIVE DENTAL AND VISION FOR 2024”.
If you would like to keep your current Dental and Vision coverage choices for the new year, Please respond to this email with “KEEP CURRENT ELECTIONS for 2024”. Also, if we do not get any response, we will keep your coverage the same as in 2023.
If you would like to sign up for Dental or Vision coverage for the first time or make changes to your current Dental or Vision coverage for the new year,
Please respond to this email with “MAKE CHANGES FOR 2024” and attach a completed Dental and Vision Insurance Election Form.
Please respond at your earliest since W2 full-time employees can ONLY enroll during the open enrollment period unless there is a qualifying event (https://www.anthem.com/individual-and-family/insurance-basics/health-insurance/qualifying-life-event) and we need to provide information to Anthem regarding any new elections or changes by Sunday 12/10/2023.
Please feel free to call us or send an email if you have any questions. You can also always reach out to our company’s benefits contact Baillie or Jaime at e: [email protected] p: 614-431-4331
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
200 East Campus View Blvd.
Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: (614) 323-1086
mailto:[email protected]
Web Site: https://columbuscorp.com
Please Note: If you are concerned about spam or viruses, you may always view these notifications on our website and click on the “notice”
Hello Everyone,
As you all know, every year we shop around for the best possible coverage and cost for our W2 full-time eligible employees. We currently have Anthem as our provider for Health, Dental, Vision, Life and Long-Term Disability. In the past, we renewed all of our policies eff 1/1. Since this would sometimes cause our new ID cards to be delayed due to holidays and year-end activity, last year we decided to purchase Health insurance coverage that will expire on 3/31/24 (instead of 12/31/23).
Our Dental, Vision, Disability, and Life policies will continue to expire at the end of December (12/31/23) as they have in prior years. We have received reasonable bids for each of these policies for the new year (2024) and will be sending out plan descriptions and election forms for Dental and Vision coverage very soon.
We will start the process of renewing our Health insurance coverage in Jan 2024. Currently, we have no information on the Health insurance renewal. It will depend on many factors. So, if you have Health Insurance benefits from our company or are planning to elect coverage eff 4/1/24, it is important that you attend this Zoom meeting on 11/30 at 5 pm.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3564056930?omn=84056475795 There is no password.
OR please dial the number: (646)558-8656 with meeting ID: 3564056930
Jammie Sommer, who is our Care Director from OPUS.US will explain the deductible carry forward and the pros/cons of switching plan types during a benefit year. She will also answer any questions that you might have. This is an educational session only. Please feel free to send your questions ahead of time so she can address them first.
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
200 East Campus View Blvd.
Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: (614) 323-1086
Web Site: https://columbuscorp.com
Jaime Sommer | Director, EmployerCARE #820895
a: 300 W Wilson Bridge Road Ste 300, Worthington, OH 43085
p: 614-431-4331 | f: 614-431-1173
401K Plan Retirement Planning with Q&A (Thursday, Nov 16, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST)
We will have our advisors Bill and Christian (our plan fiduciary and 401K plan contact) give updates on the 401K plan, benefits, and Q&A.
We highly recommend that all employees participate in our 401K Plan periodic call. Many of you are already participating because it is the best way to save for your retirement.
If you are worried about stock market uncertainty, how the plan works, or have any other questions about our 401K plan, please join this conference call and get your clarifications.
You can email questions in advance to [email protected] or ask them during the call. Also, two attached pdfs have helpful information.
Time: Nov 16, 2023 06:00 PM EST
Meeting ID: 818 6564 5917/ Passcode: 1234
Meeting ID: 818 6564 5917/ Passcode: 1234
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
Phone: 614-323-1086
Please Note: If you are worried about spam email or viruses via email, please check our website for all notices https://columbuscorp.com/notice/index.php/Notice_front/display_notice
Contact Details for Bill and Christian:
William L. DiMenna, MBA
Financial Advisor, Tyler-Stone Group
Cell 216-278-8577, Desk 216.545.4356
Please also send all text messages to 216.545.4356
Christian J. Garofalo, AIF ®Wealth Manager
Accredited Investment Fiduciary Designee®
LPL Financial / Fiduciary Plan Partners
3601 Green Road Suite 100, Beachwood, OH 44122
(216)-534-1714 iPhone/ (216)-295-0945 Office
Due to changing remote work locations (including Hybrid or Onsite) and requirements, we need to make sure that our records are current and correct. For this reason, we will need our employees to provide a breakdown of the hours that they work by location each week.
If your hours are allocated to your work locations using a formula (i.e., 16 hours per week at location 1 – rest at location 2). please describe the formula used in the box at the bottom of the attached form. We will use this formula going forward (until we receive another form from you) so you won’t need to send us weekly breakdown of your hours.
If you are only working at one location, please list that location as Work Location 1 and show “100% at Location 1” in the box.
If the allocation of your time between worksites is not based on a consistent formula, we will need an allocation form (attached) showing the breakdown of your hours between work locations each week. Please send these to us each Monday for the prior week.
Please complete and send this form at your earliest convenience or contact support 614-888-2227 ext. 4680, if you have questions or need help completing the form. We will continue your tax withholding as currently happening until we receive an updated form.
Support Team
Columbus International Corporation
200 East Campus View Blvd.
Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: (614) 323-1086
mailto:[email protected]
Our new advisors will introduce themselves, and their initiative for plan improvements. Bill and Christian (our plan’s new highly experienced advisors and fiduciaries) will be spending the first half of the call on the basics of the plan and answering emailed questions. They will spend the second half of the call answering any additional questions that you may have.
We highly recommend that all employees participate in our 401K Plan and periodic calls. Many of you are already participating because it is the best way to save for your retirement.
If you are worried about stock market uncertainty, or have any other questions about our 401K plan, please join this conference call.
You can email questions in advance to [email protected] or ask them during the call.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 0821 6436
Passcode: 1234
One tap mobile
Support Team, Columbus International Corporation
Mailto:[email protected] or Phone: 614-888-2227 ext. 4671 or 4680
Contact Details for Bill and Christian:
William L. DiMenna, MBA
Financial Advisor, Tyler-Stone Group
Cell 216-278-8577, Desk 216.545.4356
Please also send all text messages to 216.545.4356
Christian J. Garofalo, AIF ®Wealth Manager
Accredited Investment Fiduciary Designee®
LPL Financial / Fiduciary Plan Partners
3601 Green Road Suite 100, Beachwood, OH 44122
(216)-534-1714 iPhone/ (216)-295-0945 Office
This year, LPL Financial will be our plan advisor. Please feel free to contact them if you have any questions or need financial advice. We recommend that you review your Voya account periodically and contact them if you have any questions about it.
William L. DiMenna, MBA, Financial Advisor
[email protected] / Desk 216.545.4356
Tyler-Stone Group, 3601 Green Road, Suite 100, Beachwood, OH 44122
These are now available on your ADP online account. We will not be mailing hard copies since soft copies are readily available online.
Anthem has mailed the 2023 insurance ID cards to the home addresses of all covered employees so you should receive them soon. ID cards are also available on Anthem mobile app “Sydney” (see attached). This app can be used to manage your health insurance activity. If you have any questions or issues, please contact our care provider (page 5 of attached master packet).
We will have FREE online training starting the 2nd or 3rd week of February 2023. It will be conducted during evenings and/or weekends. Please send an email to [email protected], if you are interested in enhancing your skills for a better future.